Pubblicati da Davide Savorani

Interview with Davide Savorani by Zoe De Luca

Zoe De Luca: Your training begins in Faenza, your hometown. What did you bring along of those early experiences? Davide Savorani: It begins in Faenza in 1991, at the Art Institute for Ceramics. What I brought along from that experience? The teaching methods were overly focused on techniques and left little room for creativity and […]

Green Room by Emanuela De Cecco

GREEN ROOM by Emanuela De Cecco / Flash Art Italia n°197, 2011 Due to a progressive weakening of artistic practices dealing with participation – whose initial thrust towards an involvement of the audience, during the entire phase of the work’s realization process, is today often reduced to simulations wherein only conciliatory aspects are acted upon […]

Liutenant: Davide Savorani by Romeo Castellucci

LIUTENANT: DAVIDE SAVORANI by Romeo Castellucci / Flash Art Italia n°181, 2010 Davide Savorani’s actions are self evident blocks, belligerent geometries, dances of masks and weapons made out of folded card-board paper. The performers wear helmets, armour plates, war boots, microphones and clubs; they represent star warriors, thieves or sentries with the face covered by […]