The research of Davide Savorani (1977) is rooted in cross disciplines, ranging from theater to literature, philosophy, anthropology. In his practice different languages come together, creating articulated projects that allow the artist to develop heterogeneous paths of investigation, focusing not so much on the work of art as a defined object, but rather on knowledge as potential. By applying a “methodological pluralism”- theorized by Paul Feyerabend – the artist seeks a dynamic dimension to the context in which he operates, whether it is the exhibition space, an urban or natural location, and the people who are involved. “The process itself is not guided by a well-defined program, and cannot be guided by such a program, for it contains the conditions of all possible programs. It is guided by a vague urge, by a ‘passion’.” (P.Feyerabend)

Savorani works on the idea of transformativity, creating installations in flux, in which the works that compose them (sculptures, drawings, videos…) enter into a dialogue with the actual installation, and where the viewer builds his/her own path, thanks to the intervention of live performers that trigger – also freely, from instructions set by the artist – a whole. His installations and performances are so declined as a meeting of creative energies in the making, given the different elements that interact with particular attention to the active production of meaning. They then become a mode of perception – a way of seeing through a way of talking – figuring the world through dialogue that comes alive with sudden transformative force in the crannies of everyday life’s pauses and juxtapositions.

  Anna Daneri